
Welcome to my occasional musings about little things in life that make a big (happy) impact.

Today’s my birthday. So I brought three dozen gourmet cupcakes in six different flavors to work with me to share with my coworkers and friends. And I called everyone in my department to a “very important announcement,” and when everyone was gathered, with strange looks of nervous anticipation on their faces, I smiled a big smile, threw open the doors to the conference room, and bellowed with glee, “it’s my birthday, and we’re having cupcakes!”

For me, a birthday’s worth celebrating. And I’m worth celebrating. And if it’s your birthday, YOU’RE worth celebrating. And if you have to be at work on a beautiful summer Monday, few things make you feel better than walking around your whole building saying, like you own it, “It’s my birthday. And I brought cupcakes. And I’d love to share them with you. So come on down!”

And few things make other people feel better than cupcakes, too.

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